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What we should prepare when traveling with family and kids in Indonesia? It was true that Indonesia was not as famous as Japan or Singapore, but, in my opinion, was a very beautiful and friendly nation for all ages. From kids to old people, you can enjoy beauty of nature and rich of culture and traditional attractions. So, here are our tips to enjoy vacation with family and kids in Indonesia.
Traveling With Family and Kids: Activities you should try
Several places like Bali, Lombok, Jakarta, and Bandung are the ideal destination while traveling With family. Children’s attractions can be surfing, playing in sand and beach, cultural activities such as dancing, temple visits, and traditional Balinese life experiences. Besides that you can visit zoo or amusement parks in the city.

Playing soccer game in the beach
Here is our tips that you can try:
- Try to choose a location that is popular and close to family oriented attractions, like beach, shops, restaurants, and amusement parks. Children enjoy beach playing sand or swimming. If you are afraid of wave or current, you can also go to waterpark.
- You can do little research or asking the staff for price discounts for children under a certain age. You can save some money for this.
- Make sure your accommodation choice is suitable for kids. For hotels, it was very nice if it has a children’s pool or playground. Besides that, better choose hotels that near minimarket. Just in case your child is hungry and you need to buy crackers/ biscuits or milk.
- When you travel with a family in Indonesia, it will be much more convenient if you use private transportation. You can rent a car from local people or asking the hotel staff.
- Make sure your journey is well prepared, especially day to day activities. Keep in your mind that your child or family may be tired and not as strong as adult. They need rest during the day and also feel sleepy around 8-9 pm.
Travelling with kids
Young babies (below three months) still fragile with the weather and temperature changes, made it isn’t a good idea to bring your baby for air travel. Three months-babies is a good candidate for flying, I learn that from several papers about health. But, if you fly with your baby on either long or short flights, you should follow these guidelines:

Traveling With Family kids on the plane
- Traveling With Family and Kids: Pre-flight preparation
Make sure that you already pack all of the documents that was needed for your journey. Children are sensitive to parental anxiety. Minimize your baby’s stress by reducing yours. Besides that, prepare a special bag for your baby contains his/her favorite foods or snacks, toys, diapers, and wipes. If you are still giving breastfeed, remember that you need to drink enough water before the flight. - Traveling With Family and Kids: During the filght
Feed your baby just after take off and before landing. Chewing food will make sure your baby’s ear still “open” and feel comfortable during flight. Besides that, provide your baby enough drink (especially water or milk) so they don’t become dehydrated. Keep your baby cool. Don’t worry if the baby’s hands or feet feel cool, this is normal during flight. Place your baby on their back to sleep. Some mothers also bring some “aroma-therapy oil” so it will give comfort sensation to your baby during the new place in airplane cabin. - Traveling With Family and Kids: After the flight
After the plane landing, try to sit and wake up your baby slowly to make sure they don’t shock. As the staff to take your baggage while you bring your baby in the hand.

Traveling With Family and kids
Images source: Flickr EYZJ Photography, Blondinrikard Fröberg, Chelun Ou, Timur Dzhambinov